My hand of the week

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My hand of the week

Post by Johnstonjamese » Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:38 am

East 3rd round, me as the dealer in 3rd place. Dora = some random crack

closed: red-dra red-dra red-dra green-dra bumped: 1-crak 1-crak 1-crak :east :east :east white-dra white-dra white-dra winner = green-drag

Sweet dealer\'s sanbaiman and instantly won the game for me.

A close hand that I didn\'t actually win went something like this.

I got this hand in the 1st round of the tournament. Would have been an amazing start.

Last round, 3th place, west seat

Closed: 2-dot 2-dot :north :north Bumped: 4-dot 4-dot 4-dot 4-dot 8-dot 8-dot 8-dot 9-dot 9-dot 9-dot 9-dot

Doras = 2-dot 8-dot 9-dot

Tenpai for an amazing comeback win, but didn\'t come out in the end. I quadded twice in a row reveling my dora 7, plus the original dora giving me dora 9 and having people calling me Ryu for the rest of the night (from the manga Naki no Ryu). Would have been amazing if it hit though. Was a nice finish to the game.

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Re:My hand of the week

Post by Poochy » Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:40 am

Johnstonjamese wrote:Sweet dealer\'s sanbaiman and instantly won the game for me.
Uh, shouldn\'t that have been a kazoe-yakuman?
Honroutou (2) + Toitoihou (2) + Honiisou (2) + Shousangen (2) + round wind East (1) + seat wind East (1) + Hatsu (1) + Chun (1) + Dora x3 = 15 han.

Unless you were playing with the no-kazoe-yakuman rule, which would cap non-special hands at sanbaiman. But I\'ve never even seen that used in practice, just in rulebooks.

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Re:My hand of the week

Post by Johnstonjamese » Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:48 am

Ah I made a mistake in the OP you\'re right... I guess the dora wasn\'t the 1 crack, it was some other random crack. I\'ll change the OP. Nice catch ^^

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Re:My hand of the week

Post by Ruro » Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:25 am

Hmm thats pretty lucky hand there :P Compared to that mine is just a small fry but then again i was really happy to make it: (also i warn you the music is too damn loud so try turning it down if you don\'t want to become a deaf man)

Also for those who are too lazy to click or don\'t like youtube here is the hand:
East only, last round, sitting at south (my favourite postion :P )
dora is 3-crak and 8-crak
closed tiles:
:north :north 7-bam 8-bam 9-bam 3-crak 3-crak
Called tiles:
2-dot 2-dot 2-dot red-dra red-dra red-dra

and i tsumo\'d the damn tile ( 3-crak ) just after throwing away the 8-crak, and also recieved the 1st place with tied points :)

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Re:My hand of the week

Post by Johnstonjamese » Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:46 pm

Nice steal! Lately Janryumon has pissed me off... it seems like the people on there play so frickin random.... but then again I can never concentrate on anything when i\'m at home which is probably why I do much much better on fightclub than janryumon.

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Re:My hand of the week

Post by Ruro » Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:18 pm

i was actually quite scared that the 8-crak dora will not pass and will just get me ronned, but i decided to take the damned gamble and in the end it was worth it :)

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Re:My hand of the week

Post by Johnstonjamese » Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:33 am

Yea, but I would have made the same play.

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Re: My hand of the week

Post by b4k4ni04 » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:20 am

Augh! If only Gamedesign's little flash game had nagashi-mangan T__T! I nailed one! ... 4d00_b.jpg

So, uh enjoy my Firefox persona and tabs too ^^;;.
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Re: My hand of the week

Post by cavemaneca » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:39 am

b4k4ni04 wrote:Augh! If only Gamedesign's little flash game had nagashi-mangan T__T! I nailed one! ... 4d00_b.jpg

So, uh enjoy my Firefox persona and tabs too ^^;;.
not sure, but is that where you win a hand just for having discarded only terminals and honors?

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Re: My hand of the week

Post by Rosti » Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:42 am

cavemaneca wrote: not sure, but is that where you win a hand just for having discarded only terminals and honors?
Yeah it is, though the 8000 points is usually a fairly weak consolation for whatever hand you could have had if you'd kept them all :P
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Re: My hand of the week

Post by cavemaneca » Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:22 pm

Rosti wrote:
cavemaneca wrote: not sure, but is that where you win a hand just for having discarded only terminals and honors?
Yeah it is, though the 8000 points is usually a fairly weak consolation for whatever hand you could have had if you'd kept them all :P
and ya, that is a nice firefox persona... wondering where you got it from...

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Re: My hand of the week

Post by b4k4ni04 » Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:53 am

"Anime Music Persona" Search for it at firefox's persona database.

8k is still better than losing 1~3k on being non-tempai, and the risk of tossing all sorts of simples out weighs the thought of keeping all the honors/terminals, and I only had 2 full sets in my discards, you need 4 melds to go out, still safer to toss terminals and honors.
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Re: My hand of the week

Post by or2az » Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:59 am

This looks like a fun thread from 4 years ago.
HONROTO; All Terminals And Honors. It's Pretty hard to get, especially since you don't usually hold on to those terminals. This is only my 2nd in 1500 games, but I had a nice starting hand and decided to go for it. I was so glad to see the two 9-dot showing on the table when all I had left in my hand was the 9-bam 9-dot and I needed to decide which one to discard. The next 4 turns were riichi in slow motion....hoping that I wouldn't hear the words tsumo or ron yelled by someone else. And then it happened, a 9-bam discard. YES!! (stop laughing!)
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Re: My hand of the week

Post by or2az » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:08 am

Well, another week has just gone by, some wins, some losses, but only two hands worth a mention. Maybe not even that.
First one was a open flush with 5 dora, 16000 pts, baiman, I believe. (30 fu, 10 han)
Second one was much better, a triple pung, only my second one, but not even worth a fourth as much.
Not really sure how much, accidentally deleted the result. Came up with 30 fu, 2 han, for 2000 pts. Is that correct?
Seems low for such a rare hand. (for reference, it was a tanki wait, and a ron off north)
EDIT: I forgot about tanyao, so its 3900 pts. (30 fu, 3 han)
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Re: My hand of the week

Post by Ozball » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:21 am

or2az wrote:Well, another week has just gone by, some wins, some losses, but only two hands worth a mention. Maybe not even that.
First one was a open flush with 5 dora, 16000 pts, baiman, I believe. (30 fu, 10 han)
Second one was much better, a triple pung, only my second one, but not even worth a fourth as much, even less, I think.
Not really sure how much, accidentally deleted the result. Came up with 30 fu, 2 han, for 2000 pts. Is that correct?
Seems low for such a rare hand. (for reference, it was a tanki wait, and a ron off north)
Text directly below is wrong, read the EDIT.
The hand shown is just Kuitan or Open Simples. Worth 1 Han 30 (28) fu, so 1000 points. If you're thinking of San Ankou or Three Concealed Triples, then all three triples need to be closed not open, and it is worth 2 han by itself. (Usually get's mixed with other Yaku though) 2 fu for each of the open triples plus 2 for the wait = 8 on top of the 20 base for being open = 28 rounded up to 30.

Had they been closed not open then the hand would be 3 han 50 (44)fu for 6400 points. 1 han for tanyao/all simples and 2 for San Ankou/Three Concealed Triples. 3 closed non-terminal triples = 4 fu each for a total of 12 + 2 more for the wait gives your 14 fu on top of the base 30 for being closed for a total of 44, rounded up to 50.

EDIT: Nevermind! I misunderstood which yaku you were referring to! (and completely missed the yaku when I first looked as well) The shown hand is actually 3 han 30 fu for 3900 points. 1 han for Tanyao, and 2 for Sanshoku Doukou (three of the same triple, no idea what the English name actually is). The fu calculation is still the same as the text above (also we really need a strikethrough tag.... <.< >.>)

Also as for why it's worth less, probably because it can be open making it a lot easier to get compared to if it had to be closed. And if you do managed to get it closed then it's value doubles because you get San Ankou for it as well.
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