Live from the Red 5’s tournament in The Netherlands

The results are in! Rick Moorman is your winner. Dicky Rep is runner-up and Eveline Broers takes 3rd place. Look forward to the and full reports this week.

First Game
Second Game
Third Game Fourth Game Total
1 Rick Moorman
21800 108600
2 Dicky Rep
-4700 73400
3 Eveline Broers 48800 38600
9100 71000
4 Gerda van Oorschot 17400 4200 54000 -8300 67300
5 Lois Morales 10600 -6900 42500 15200 61400
6 Ingrid Boreder 20600 -31700 23900 48500 61300
7 Jaapn Croeze -8500 38200 -1300 31200 59600
8 Janine Scholtemeyer 29600 34800 22100 27300 54600
9 Janco Onnink 14800 44800 8100 -18700 49000
10 Andrew Rijnders 21700 13100 26000 -23900 36900
11 Jan Ketzer 6500 -12900 7800 29600 31000
12 Paula Pereira Gomes -19800 -34000 21000 57800 25000
13 Gert Jan Davies 35400 -12400 10800 -10500 23300
14 Martin Rep -16800 24600 19600 -7100 20300
15 Gemma Collinge 25000 5800 -12500 -5000 13300
16 Marian Croeze 18600 -37400 23200 7600 12000
17 Janna Guijt -28000 10900 3900 19800 6600
18 Ton Rijnders 6000 35500 -48400 8800 1900
19 Lenie Janssen 18900 -10000 -5600 -3300 0
20 Dimphy van Grinsven -10600 26800 -26200 7700 -2300
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