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Playing together on ron2

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:43 pm
by York1jm
Hey all,

Well I finally broke down and decided to get premium membership on ron2. Just had a thought, are any of you interested in basically having our own league on ron2? We would keep track of results on the Reach Mahjong forums. Or if not that just do weekly meetups for games? I know that normally Reach Mahjong does meetups, but I am never sure when those are. I figured it would just be fun for us to all get together on ron2 and play each other. Afterwards we could head into the chat room and review the games and help each other improve. Do a set number of hanchan sessions against each other, then go into review. Each week we could use a different rule set if we wanted. Just a thought, tell me what you guys think, thanks.

Also as no one is ever on that joyjan we should do something for that as well, as it does have potential, just needs people actually on the thing.

Re: Playing together on ron2

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 9:30 am
by xKime
If you don't mind going to the F Room (I don't have a credit card or anything like that, so I can't get myself a paid subscription, sorry), hit me up anytime you want on Skype and we can play Renmei's A-Rules setting. If you prefer any other ruling I'm open for that as well.

Re: Playing together on ron2

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:50 pm
by Mordachai
Would love to join you, but unfortunately I'm in the GMT+1 time zone as well as not having a Ron2 account (I play on Tenhou).