The following translation is provided by Ignatius and refers to the 10 level game by UNBALANCE CORP.
雀荘選択/Jansou (Mahjong Parlor) selection. (On the left of this option you have 戻る go back, on the right, ルール設定 rules options)
レベル/Level 1 初心者歓迎/Newbies welcome
麻雀 わかば/Mahjong New Leaf はじめての人のための雀荘/A parlor for your first time playing.
レベル/Level 2 初心者歓迎/Newbies welcome
雀Cafe PON/Mahjong Cafe PON 気軽いに麻雀を楽しめるカフェ/ A cafe in which you can play lightheartedly.
レベル/Level 3 初心者歓迎/Newbies welcome
麻雀クラブ みさき/Mahjong Club Misaki オフィス街あり会社員に人気/Popular among employees in the business district.
レベル/Level 4 初級者/Novice players
ま~じゃん みちのく/Mahjong Michinoku 学生街にあり若い客が多い/A lot of young customers from the campus go here.
レベル/Level 5 初級者/Novice players
りっぷすてぃっく/Lipstick 女性のスタッフの気遣いが人気/Popular, and a point of interest among female staff members.
レベル/Level 6 初級者/Novice players
麻雀 シャイニング/Mahjong Shining 繁華街にあり夜の匂いが漂う店/A place in which floats the smell of the business district at night.
レベル/Level 7 中級者/Intermediate players
麻雀喫茶 ナポリ/Mahjong-teashop Napoli 学生時代から常連通う店/University students are regular customers of this parlor.
レベル/Level 8 中級者/Intermediate players
麻雀倶楽部 蓮菜/Mahjong Club Rena 大人のための隠れ家的な雀荘/A mahjong parlor and a refuge for adults.
レベル/Level 9 上級者/Advanced players
雀荘 六文銭/mahjong Rokumonsen プロが集い、しのぎを削る雀荘/Pros go here to play, a parlor in which you will be ruthlessly cut down.
レベル/Level 10 上級者/Advanced players
さぶちゃん/Sabu-chan ガード下の古い雀荘、別名「魔窟」/An old parlor under the railways, also called [Den of Thieves].
行きたい雀荘を選んでください/Please choose the mahjong parlor you would like to go.
I skipped the first few levels and went directly to level 5, where the "female staff members hang out".
The plan was to play 10 tonpuusen on each level and see how the increase in cpu affected the outcomes.
After a decent showing in the level 9 parlor, where it's said that " the pros will ruthlessly cut you down", I feel more confident to go "under the railway to the Den of Thieves". Or maybe I should quit while I'm ahead.
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The sound effects and voice animations are good, so are the settings, statistics, and rule changing screens, but the vertical-only mode is a drawback, at least for me.
I also don't like having to hit a separate button to discard a tile. I prefer double tap.
Consequently, this game will also not make it into my top 5.