Those +- scores at the end of the game

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Those +- scores at the end of the game

Post by Ignatius » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:47 am

When you have, lets say 27,500 points, to write it as -2 as end-game's core, it's correct? Or am I wrong and is -3, the thousand below? I feel a little stupid because I've forgotten wich is more common. Thanks you for the help in advance. Well, at least no question is stupid.
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Re: Those +- scores at the end of the game

Post by Shirluban » Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:50 pm

We have:
27500 - 30000 = -2500
-2500 / 1000 = -2.5
-2.5 rounded to the unit = ?

Mathematically, when you round you should round toward 0 with a 0 to 4 decimal and round away from 0 with a 5 to 9 decimal.
So -2.5 rounded to the unit will give -3, but some people do differently.
-2.0 ==> -2
-2.1 ==> -2
-2.2 ==> -2
-2.3 ==> -2
-2.4 ==> -2
-2.5 ==> -3
-2.6 ==> -3
-2.7 ==> -3
-2.8 ==> -3
-2.9 ==> -3
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Re: Those +- scores at the end of the game

Post by Ignatius » Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:20 pm

Ok, thank you very much Shirluban.
Life is as beautiful as you want it to be, but it´s only one. That´s why you must not get tired of it. Don´t care if you don´t say something that seems "important" because your mere existence is important for someone.

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