MCR round seat change

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MCR round seat change

Post by Nick12345 » Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:45 pm

Hi, ... les-4.html

This chart seat change shown in this link applies only for first hand of next round, then within each hand of the round it simply turns counterclockwise e.g. East becomes North, ans South becomes East etc.?


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Re: MCR round seat change

Post by Shirluban » Mon Jul 29, 2019 3:38 pm

Woh! I was gonna say Mahjong Time's explanation is confusing and refer to the Green Book (official), but the GB is even worse!

• After each hand, the winds rotate, but the players stay at the same place.
The East player becomes North, South becomes East, W->S, N->E.
(This is like other mahjong rules, only MCR doesn't have dealer's repeat / renchan.)

• After each round (= every 4 hands in MCR), the players exchange their place/seat around the table.
 At the end of the East round / beginning of South round: the East and South players switch their place; West and North switch their place.
 At the end of the South round / beginning of West round: E->W, W->S, S->N, N->E.
 At the end of the West round / beginning of North round: the East and South players switch their place; West and North switch their place.
Then seat's winds are reassigned starting by the seat where was the initial East player.
(This is specific to MCR.)

Sorry, this is hard to follow without a visual explanation. I might make a schema later.
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